Hello Soccer Fam
The Cold Lake Minor Soccer Association invites you to attend our special meeting on March 30 2025 at the Energy Center (Room to Be announced)
The purpose of this meeting is to vote on the proposed by laws that will be sent out to the membership shortly.
To vote for these by laws we will have to met Quorum. As per our current By laws quorum is the following:
A Special meeting may be called by the President of the Association upon receipt by him/her of a petition
signed by one third of the members in good standing, setting forth the reasons for calling such a meeting.
Notice of such a meeting shall be by phone, email or in writing to the last known address of each
member, delivered at least eight days prior to the date of such a meeting. A quorum of at least fifty
percent (50%) of the officers and fifty percent (50%) of members present is required
We hope to see you all there.
Lakeland Cup Indoor 2024/2025
Please Join us as We host Lakeland Cup at the Cold lake energy Center
Outdoor Registration
Outdoor Registration for Cold Lake Soccer Association